Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Marco in his new Playroom!

We hadn't shared the pictures of Marco in his new playroom because we were waiting for his mom to give us permission to use them. She just said yes! Thank you Karla!

So here are a couple of pictures of Marco in his new "Musical Playroom"! He just loved it! Before we painted the space, he didn't like to spend much time in it, since it wasn't really fun for him... But now, his mom just told us that he wants to spend the whole day in it...eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in here! LOL!

We are glad Marco loved the space Redviolet created specially for him and for his baby brother who will born in a couple of months!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Marco's Band Playroom!

Marco is an adorable boy who is almost 2 years old! Even though he is super young he already shows a great affinity for music and you should see him play the drums....ADORABLE!! He does it with such passion and rythm! Divino!

His parents want to encourage his love for music and that's why the called Redviolet... to create the most amazing Band in his playroom! That's how we came up with this super cool design for his space!

When he first entered the room he watched in awe and a cute smile in between his dimples started to show...you could tell he LOVED it! He started pointing at the drummer and said that was him...and the girl, "la nena", oh, such a flirt! He loved her!!! Plus she was playing another one of his favorite instruments, "the yaya" (guitar) and singing to what he called "isoso" (microphone)...and that's the best gratification for us at Redviolet Creations...watching the excitement of the kids when they first see the space all ready to go! Priceless!

Marco's Band will be sure to "rock" that playroom with the most amazing tunes!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Charlie's Outer Space Room!

This was a super cool outer-space room we did for Charlie...an adorable 8 year old boy that LOVESSS space, and rockets and stars...His mom wanted to surprise him with a "extreme makeover" (redviolet edition)...and so she called us!

Charlie's mom, Shanna (who btw is an AMAZING photographer) heard about Redviolet Creations through just ask boo. com and called us! And so in we came and transformed Charlie's bedroom!

He had no idea what was going on, when he saw it...OMG if you had only seen his face...Shanna sent us a video she did of him entering the room for the first time...he "fainted" and everything..quite an actor Charlie! LOL He LOVED his new room!

Check out Shanna's comment about Redviolet Creations on her Blog!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010